This project included a comprehensive redesign of the visual identity for Hopewell – a church in Elverson, PA.
New Branding for Hopewell

This project included a comprehensive redesign of the visual identity for Hopewell – a church in Elverson, PA.
The Lampeter Café – opened in the fall of 2017 – offers fast-casual dining and event spaces. I developed a visual identity for this new business that was inspired by the building’s historic past. In addition to a website, I gave consultation for signs, including a large painted sign on the north-facing wall that has
After analysis and discussion with LMC staff, we chose a new color palette, fonts, and made refinements to the existing logo and overall design scheme. We wanted to do a better job communicating a sense of new life and growth within the organization. Recently launched was a new website – custom designed, using WordPress to
As a new organization, CrossNet Ministries needed a way to communicate who they are and what they do. This included developing a brand identity with a logo, colors, supporting icons to communicate their service areas, a new website, brochure, letterhead, business cards, signs and more. Check out the website »
I recently completed a logo design for a wood working business called “Wood Knot Studio.” One of the project requirements was that the logo needed to be used to create a wood burning branding iron. I created both a circular version with a tree image (the primary logo), and a more horizontal secondary version of the logo –
Harrington-Robb’s original logo was created in the 1970s, and was in need of a refresh. We decided to update the original design, rather than completely take it in a new direction. We wanted a clean, simple, industrial look for the logo and overall visual identity. In addition to the logo update, we updated their business cards,
Here are some photos showing their identity system that I set up being put to good use. They applied it to fruit boxes, vehicle graphics, signs, product labels, promotional items for the celebration… among many other things.
8 MylesTM is dedicated to creating high-quality, specialty sauces. Their first product is a raspberry-based BBQ sauce… and it is delicious! I worked with Myles, the owner of 8 Myles to do initial brand planning and analysis, and then create a visual identity to capture the essence of the brand. We wanted an informal, non-corporate
One of my goals this year (2015) was to update my logo and website, and do a better job of communicating the narrowing focus of my business which centers on two things: Custom websites Visual identity design. I had done my previous logo and website back in 2011, and I felt that my own things were starting
I recently completed work on a new logo / visual identity for Petra Church (formerly known as Petra Christian Fellowship) in New Holland, PA. I worked with the Petra leadership team to evaluate the Petra Church “brand” and work through a process to develop a new look for the church’s visual identity. In addition to
I worked with Ryan Horst from Premier Tree Service Inc to create a brand identity for his tree service business. This included initial brand analysis, developing a visual identity / logo, vehicle graphics for a pickup and a bucket truck, a 1-page website, and other business collateral. Below are photos of the vehicle graphics that I designed.
I recently teamed up with marketer and social media guru Jon Martin to create a new visual identity for Kauffman’s Fruit Farm & Market – an iconic Lancaster County business on Route 340 near Bird in Hand, PA. Known for their award-winning apple cider, the Kauffman family has been growing apples, peaches, pears, plums and cherries
“From Birth to Book Bag” is an instructional DVD that I branded, designed the packaging, designed promotional postcards, and built a website that allows people to order it online. The single-page website is custom designed and developed using WordPress. Check out the website here:
I’ve been working with Stockin’s Apiaries of Strasburg, PA, to develop a new visual identity and packaging design. Here is the new logo. Stockin’s Apiaries specialize in producing and selling raw honey. New packaging is on the way!
Jubilee Dairy, a family farm near Middletown, PA, was in need of a logo for the cheese they’ve been producing. I was happy to help. The folks at Jubilee Dairy wanted to use some imagery of their family, playing off the slogan of “Ten Generations Farming Locally.” The original cheese labels they had created themselves
Footprints Performing Arts is a new dance studio recently opened in Ephrata, PA. They contacted me to help develop a logo that conveys energy, fun, and a variety of dance styles that they teach — running the gamut from ballet and ballroom dancing, to hip hop and modern dance.
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Here is a fantastic video about logo design. I couldn’t have said it better myself.
In the coming weeks I will be posting quite a bit of new work on my site. Here is one recent project – a logo/tagline as part of a visual identity for a women’s ministry called “LiveWell!Ministries”.
In my last post I wrote about SalesMedics and their updated visual identity / website that I had recently completed. As it turned out, in the several weeks since we had launched the new website, their business had been expanding beyond their original scope and focus. In the process of retooling and refocusing, they realized the original SalesMedics name no longer reflected their current emphasis for leadership development work. So what happens when the original brand no longer accurately reflects the current business?
I recently completed work on an updated visual identity and website for SalesMedics, a leadership development consultancy firm that specializes in working with the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry. The identity was inspired by their tagline – “The heartbeat of leadership.”
In the last year, I completed a comprehensive rebranding for Eastern Mennonite Missions. Above shows the logo/taglines before and after.
A designer’s biggest challenge is often developing their own logo/brand. Doing this work for a client seems so much more clear-cut. After working on my logo on-again-off-again for a number of weeks, I arrived at a solution that I felt represented me well.