I recently teamed up with marketer and social media guru Jon Martin to create a new visual identity for Kauffman’s Fruit Farm & Market – an iconic Lancaster County business on Route 340 near Bird in Hand, PA. Known for their award-winning apple cider, the Kauffman family has been growing apples, peaches, pears, plums and cherries at their Lancaster County orchards for nearly 100 years.
With their 100th anniversary approaching in 2015, Kauffman’s decided it was time to freshen up their look. We developed a flexible identity system (as shown) that allows them to use a stand-alone icon in their social media, along with a couple versions of the logo that can be used on all their signs, packaging, and marketing.
If you’re driving by Kauffman’s, stop by and grab a gallon of their fresh-pressed apple cider, and one of their fruit butters. You won’t be sorry!